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홈페이지 블로그
  • Korea Army International Defense Exhibition
  • Korea Army International Defense Exhibition
  • KADEX (카덱스)
  • B2B
  • 사전등록기간

    2023-09-01 ~ 2024-10-01

  • 전시기간

    2024-10-02 ~ 2024-10-06

  • 개최장소

  • 세부장소

    Gyeryongdae (the Gyeryongdae)

  • 산업분야


  • 전시분야

    en 군사|방위|무기체계

  • 전시품목

    [All areas of defense industry] ▶ command and control/communication - Command and control system, tactical communication system, satellite communication system, public control system, wired equipment, wireless equipment, alarm receiver, wireless transceiver, high-speed specialized processor, information/security equipment, etc ▶ Information - Electronic support equipment, electronic airspace equipment, electronic protection equipment, monitoring radar, air control radar, air defense control radar, electronic optical equipment, optical amplification night market cost, thermal monitoring equipment, laser equipment, weather satellite monitoring equipment, weather monitoring radar, alert system, etc ▶ manoeuvre - Combat tanks, combat support tanks, combat armored vehicles, command and control armored vehicles, combat vehicles, combat engineering equipment, spacing over and Doha equipment, minefield overcoming equipment, atmospheric motion equipment, maneuvering navigation equipment, unmanned light combat vehicles, aircraft tow trucks, etc ▶ firepower - Personalized firearms, machine guns, anti-tank rockets, anti-tank guided weapons, anti-reaction guns, mortars, field guns, multiple rocket fields/rockets, howitzers, howitzers, target detection/fire control radar, howitzers and artillery fire control equipment, ground bullets, ship bullets, special bullets, guided ballistic manned vehicles, ground-launch guided weapons, sea-launch guided weapons, air-launch guided weapons, underwater guided weapons, laser weapons, etc ▶ protection - Anti-aircraft guns, anti-aircraft guided weapons, air defense radar, air defense control equipment, chemical protection, chemical protection, chemical prevention/administration, chemical prevention/treatment, smoke screen, chemical weapons, etc ▶ Support - Bulletproof clothing, bulletproof helmets, bulletproof panels, combat glasses, general clothing, special clothing, cold clothing, bedding, personal equipment, military meals, kitchen appliances, combat food, chemicals, special fiber materials, electric/electronic goods, work support materials, printing materials, medical supplies, surgical equipment, radiation equipment, hospital equipment, pathological equipment, pharmaceuticals, 3D printing construction, smart distribution center, solar power, building materials, etc ▶ Aviation - Combat missions, aerial vehicles, surveillance controls, trainers, maritime patrol aircraft, mobile helicopters, attack helicopters, reconnaissance helicopters, search and rescue helicopters, command helicopters, training helicopters, aircraft control equipment, aerial tactics control equipment, precision bombing equipment, aircraft navigation equipment, aircraft peer identification equipment, drones, etc ▶ the future - AI, robots, information and communication convergence technology, smart control system, access control equipment, unmanned security, AR/VR, IoT, biometric system, autonomous driving, wearable device, 5G, 3D printing, big data, Advanced materials, cyber networks, ESS, etc

  • 홈페이지


  • 주      최


  • 주      관

  • 후      원

  • 문  의  처

    연락처:02-6121-6378 / 이메일:kadexaroka@esgroup.net

  • 상세정보
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Korea Army International Defense Exhibition 0명의 서포터즈 활동 중!

쇼알라 서포터즈란…
전시회가 세상에 널리 알려질 수 있도록 자신의 페이스북에 공유해 주세요!
서포터즈 여러분의 연결고리를 통해 확산된 전시회의 주최자와 참가기업에게 힘이 되어줄 수 있습니다.
또한 서포터즈 참여에 대한 감사의 표시로 주최측이 제공하는 다양한 혜택도 누려보세요!

서포터즈 참여혜택

우수 서포터즈

서포터즈 참여하기
05556 9F 82, Olympic-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea | e-mail : showala@akei.or.kr
Tel : +82-2-574-2024 | Fax 82-2-574-2696

Copyright@Association of Korean Exhibition Industry. All Rights Reserved






전시회 성격

  • 무역전시회 : Trade Show

    B-to-B 전시회로 철저히 상거래 중심의 전문 전시회를 뜻함.

    참가 업체들은 해당품목 생산업체나 유통업체에 한하며, 방문객은 초대된 바이어 및 관련 바이어들로 제한

  • 일반전시회 : Consumer(Public) Show

    일반 대중을 상대로 하는 전시회 소비재를 기반으로 하는 업체가 주로 참가하는 소비재 전시회

  • 무역일반전시회 : Mix Show

    Trade Show 와 Consumer Show의 혼합 형태 전시회 바이어와 일반 대중 모두에게 공개되는 전시회나 공개시간을 달라하기도 함.
